During my studies, I have realized a few internships:
- 2017 — L3 internship about a numerical study of Trans-Neptunian Objects. This internship took place at the IMCCE in Paris, France, under the supervision of Nicolas Rambaux. Report (in French) Slides (in French)
- 2016 — M2 internship about the application of gradual typing to set-theoretic types. This internship took place at IRIF in France under the supervision of Giuseppe Castagna. Report Slides
- 2015 — M1 internship about the verification of pointers programs, and a comparison of several approaches. This internship took place at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany under the supervision of Christina Jansen, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Christoph Matheja and Thomas Noll. Report Slides
- 2014 — L3 internship about abstract interpretation applied to biological networks. This internship took place at the LIFL in France and was supervised by Joachim Niehren and Cristian Versari. Report (in French)
Courses I have taught (or am teaching) during my PhD:
- 2018-2019 — Practical work (TP) for the course "Programmation Fonctionnelle" (PF5) in the 3rd year of bachelor. Lectures given by Michele Pagani.
- 2018-2019 — Tutorial classes (TD) for the course "Éléments d'Algorithmique" (EA3) in the 2nd year of bachelor. Lectures given by Anne Micheli.
- 2017-2018 — Practical work (TP) for the course "Introduction à la Programmation en Python" (IP1) in the 1st year of bachelor. Lectures given by Arnaud Sangnier.
- 2017-2018 — Practical work (TP) for the course "Analyse de Données Structurées" (ADS4) in the 2nd year of bachelor. Lectures given by Ralf Treinen.
Here are some projects I have been involved in recently:
- The git repository of a multimedia library based on OpenGL and developped in OCaml.
- The git repository of the software engineering project (M1 course at ENS Cachan) in OCaml.
Computational Physics
Reports (in french) for some exercises given in the computational physics course at ENS Cachan:
- TP1: code report without figures, sorry. :(
- TP2: code report
- TP3: code report
- TP4: code report
- TP5: code report the final GNUplot script is completely wrong, but the rest is still valid.
- TP6: code report
- TP7: code report
- TP8: code report
- TP9: code report
- TP10: code report the code is the one obtained in the last question, but I have included code from intermediate questions (see functions wavenorm, energy and pposition)